The Management Committee (“MC”) is responsible for supporting the Chief Executive Officer in discharging the Strategic, financial and operational aspects of CIIPA. It is responsible for CIIPA’s relationship with international standard setting and regulatory bodies including CIIPA’s membership of the International Federation of Accountants.


The Management Committee reports to the Council and is comprised of the Officers and other persons who are all members of Council.


The MC meets at least monthly to oversee and initiate key decisions.

The resolutions of the MC may require approval of Council and will be put forth and presented to Council by the CEO.


  • Strategy
  • HR
  • Budget
  • Policy unless another committee has specific responsibility (Public Practice, MLC, Quality)
  • Maintain relationship with IFAC
  • Approve updated. submissions to IFAC and detailed work programs
  • Advise Council and other committees regarding the obligations of IFAC members
  • Draft and present policies, procedures and other instruments for approval by Council, to meet IFAC and related obligations, and conduct research and collect data to support items that are not the responsibility of another committee
  • IFAC Action Plan and Dashboard

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